Franchising your business - FAQ

Here are the franchising articles related to 'Franchise'

What are the benefits of the franchising system to the franchisee?
 Franchisee gets to benefit from an established brand that is experienced, successful and well-known with help and support of the franchisor. 

- The international quality is achieved immediately..
- Customer trust is already established.
- Franchisor can provide personnel and training.
- The procedures such as hiring is easier with the support of the franchisor.
- The support in finances, accounting and marketing increases the chances of success-The risks of opening a small business is minimized
- Franchisees can benefit from the franchisors counselors and legal team.
- Franchisee can benefit from the past experiences of the franchisor.
- When starting up it is easier to get loan or lease for franchisees.
- The cost of advertising and marketing is minimized.
- The franchisee isn’t alone when starting up and the risk of bankruptcy is minimal.
- Although the initial payment is higher than a normal small business but the follow up expenses are much less. 

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